Maker: Eldridge.
Antique nautical chart showing Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, and the shoals near Nantucket and Monomoy, by George W. Eldridge, copyright 1904 by Geo. W. Eldridge. This chart encompasses the area from the Elizabeth Islands to the shoals east of Chatham and Nantucket. Includes all of the small harbors on the south side of the Cape, such as Osterville, Waquoit, Lewis Bay, Chatham, and Woods Hole. Yellow marks indicate lighthouses or light ships. Red lines indicate the area where the lighthouses show red. These charts were hand colored (sometimes by Eldridge's daughters). Well known for their graphic appearance, Eldridge's charts showed only the information necessary for sailors and sea men, in contrast to the government's charts of the time that included topographic information. This clarity made their charts quite popular with navigators and that popularity continues today, although for more aesthetic reasons. You can read more about the two Eldridge chartmakers here. Good to very good condition with tears on both sides. Overall toning that is darker on the right and left side. Water stain on right. Damage to the upper left corner and a rectangular patch of darker toning on lower left probably caused by something that was rolled with the chart. We intend to repair the tears. Backed with original linen and retaining original labels on the back. This chart was found rolled up inside the wall of a late 1890s house in New England. Approx. 28.5 x 50 inches to the chart edges. **NOTE- because this map requires extra insurance for shipping, an additional charge will appear on your card after your original purchase. If you would like to know what that charge will be, please contact us.**
Item Number: CSMT163