Current hours: 10:30am to 5pm Tuesday through Saturday. We are closed Sundays and Mondays for the Winter. IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: We have become aware that some of our photos have been stolen by other websites. Our maps are only available at our website or at our store!


1720 - Danubii Fluminis hic ab arbe Belgrado, per Mare Negrum qua Transylvania, Walachia, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Servia, Romania, et Bessarabia cum vicinis Regionibus ostenduntur a Joh. Bapt. Homanno - Antique Map

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Item number: EUR169JR
Genuine Antique Hand Colored Map

c. 1720

Maker: Homann.

Antique hand colored map of the Balkans, Romania, Bulgaria, Transylvania, Serbia, Turkey in Europe, by Johann Baptist Homann, Nuremburg, c. 1720. Shows great detail of towns, rivers and water bodies, mountains. Very good overall antique condition, matted, 19 x 23 inches. 

Item Number: EUR169JR