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1580 - Descrittione dell'isola d'Inghilterra - Antique Map

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Item number: EUR2765
Genuine Antique Map

c. 1580

Maker: Tommaso Porcacchi.

Antique map of the United Kingdom and Ireland, the British Isles with England, Scotland, and Wales, from "The Most Famous Islands in the World" by Tommaso Porcacchi, c. 1580. With some counties, cities, and towns. Text in the map is in latin and the text outside of the map is in Italian. Decorative header with faces, decorative cartouche, sea monsters in the oceans, an illuminated initial letter, and a gruesome face in the ending footer on the opposite side. Very good condition with some minor signs of age. Text on verso is slightly visibly through the page. Page measures 11.25 x 8 inches.

Item Number: EUR2765