OPENING LATE ON THURSDAY Feb 13th. Thank you for your understanding! Current hours: 10:30am to 5pm Tuesday through Saturday. We are closed Sundays and Mondays for the Winter. IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: We have become aware that some of our photos have been stolen by other websites. Our maps are only available at our website or at our store!


1780 - Les Isles Vierges, Supplement pour les Isles Antilles Extrait des Cartes Angloises *****SOLD***** - Antique Map

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Item number: CAM086
Genuine Antique Hand Colored Engraved Map


Maker: Bonne.

"The Virgin Isles, Supplement to the Isles West Indies." Original color. From, "Atlas of All Known Parts of Globe, Lists For Philosophical History and Policy establishments and Trade of the Europeans in the two Indies." Fair to Good condition with some light minor stains and toning that is darker at the paper edges. About 13" x 8 1/2". **SOLD**

Item Number: CAM086