
1849 / 1865 - North Pacific Ocean - Antique Chart

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Item number: NAU369
Genuine Antique Nautical Chart

1849 / 1865

Maker: Blunt.

Antique black and white "blue-back" nautical chart of the North Pacific Ocean by Blunt, published in 1849 and updated to 1865. This chart covers Rangoon to the Bahamas, and Galapagos to the Behring Strait. Includes the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), the coast of Alaska south of Nome, the Western Coast of the US, Japan, China, the Philippines, and Borneo. Seven inset maps including Sandwich Islands, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Vancouver, Yang-Tse-Kiaing, San Francisco to Point Conception, and more. This chart is comprised of 3 charts joined together. Very good condition. Restored: cleaned, deacidified, rebacked. Has some spotting and plotting. Approx. 36.5 x 76 inches. **SOLD**

Item Number: NAU369